Friday, June 11, 2010

Life amongst the clueless

Even a cursory read of England's historic behavior with its neighbors would answer this question.

in reference to:

"As the World Cup kicks off, many football fans from the UK's celtic nations say they will support ABE - Anyone But England. Why does this inflame so much passion on both sides?"
- BBC News - What's behind Anyone But England? (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Three hots and a cot

I think it's very bizarre that mental health professionals would want to withhold treatment from some one who asks for it, but would want to shove treatment down the throat of some one who doesn't want it. It's such a Catch-22.

In the US, malingering, or whatever the DSM now calls it, is a recognized mental illness. Therefore, psychiatry can bill for it. However, this guy seems to be after three hots and a cot. If he violates his ASBO, I guess he'll get his way.

in reference to: BBC News - Man 'banned' from using the NHS (view on Google Sidewiki)

What all the fuss over cadmium?

It's all natural and a perfectly legit element on the periodic table. A little heavy metal never hurt anyone.

in reference to: McDonald's to recall 'Shrek' glass cups, citing cadmium health risks - (view on Google Sidewiki)