Monday, December 7, 2009


...Why would you be interested in reading about someone else’s psychosis?...

And why would you let a nut run the nuthouse?

...Is there comfort in viewing the craziness of another person?...

No, but some people certainly seem to get their kicks shoving their do-gooder horsecrap down the throats of unwilling participants whom they deem crazy.

I've never been a fan of Jung. He was never willing to break from the past, i.e. he embraced the God Delusion. I had always assumed that he had plagiarized his theories from his hapless mental patients, but we see now that he had his own autochthonous sources.

His mentor Freud was a much kinder, smarter man. Freud didn't lock people up. He broke entirely from the past and finally allowed people to discuss sex in polite company. The evolutionary psychologists are beginning to point out how correct he was in obsessing about sex. Reproductive privileges seem to be the be-all, end-all controlling component in man's evolution.

in reference to: Health Panda: Diary of A Mad Man? Carl Jung's "Red Book" Finally Published (view on Google Sidewiki)

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts. I appreciate your comments about Freud. Thanks for the reference and counter points!



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