Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A page of the same old tired canards

There are so many here I don't know where to begin.

Let's start with this ahistorical view:

...It went from a private, furtively practiced, vice to an open and accepted subculture. In many circles, ``sodomite'' ceased to be an insult. This acceptance led to the toleration, and wide practice, of gross homosexual promiscuity. HIV, falling onto that fertile soil, made the AIDS epidemic. Even before AIDS was recognized, practicing homosexuals were notorious for a high rate of venereal diseases....

No, sir, homosexual relations were practiced far more frequently in Western culture prior to the advent of the Pill. Prior to the Pill, prostitutes were expensive and nice girls simply didn't do it. It was quite common for men who identified themselves as heterosexual to seek out quick homosexual companionship. My gay friends who were of age when the Kinsey report came out in 1948 scoffed that only about 40% of the American male population had engaged in man-on-man relations.From their experiences and perspectives it was more like 60-70%. Like masturbation, these liaisons were something that was never discussed in polite company.

Let's make homophobia an equal opportunity employer:

...Homophobia is the moral judgement that homosexual behavior (most of the arguments in this essay refer specifically to male homosexual behavior) is wrong...

He really needs to make some arguments about the lesbian kind. Oh, wait, lesbians are the one cohort of the population that are least likely to have HIV. Never mind.

...it is a moral judgement upon acts engaged in by choice...

The mind-blowing thing is that this guy calls himself a scientist. Brain structures of homosexual men are unlike those of heterosexual men. We all know this. The last time I looked I couldn't chose my brain. I somehow wonder if he is also a closet Creationist on the side?

in reference to: In Defense of Homophobia (view on Google Sidewiki)

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