Friday, September 25, 2009

From the WTF!? Dept.

Harvard's finances and endowment are in the tank. Google for this if you don't believe me. And yet Harvard's blowing perfectly good money it really doesn't have on this paragon of vacuousness.

Admittedly, I stayed quite stoned throughout the '80s and into the '90s. When I came to, I thought, What's gone on all these years? So I started reading books written by some of the players of the time period.

Perhaps the most repulsive book I encountered was Dame Peggy's What I Saw at the Revolution. She was so condescending when she wrote about the 1984 election and stated that a first time voter could only remember the foibles and impotence of President Carter.

As a first time voter in 1984, I remembered President Carter as the most decent, honest man who had ever sat in the Oval Office in anyone's memory. I also remembered the treachery of the Viet Nam War and the arrogance of Richard Nixon. I had no use for people who wanted to rehabilitate either a pointless war or an obvious crook as good, but misunderstood.

I was also galled how she wanted to simply dismiss the 18th Century Enlightenment as immaterial to our present day country. I couldn't believe a person who would call herself conservative would want to occlude the past so completely.

I was just absolutely amazed at her vapidity and sloppiness. And at the time, I had kind of wished I'd stayed stoned.

I'm still left thinking that when she freaked out over the McGovern Campaign and thought she saw the light, those McGovern supporters should have done Harvard and the rest of us a favor and thrown her underneath the bus.

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