Saturday, December 26, 2009

Government Health Insurance

This is exactly what I complain to my friends about, but they just don't get it. The dear government cannot force me to enter into a contract with a private party simply because I breathe.

I am galled enough that I am forced to buy car insurance from the blood-sucking insurance industry. This situation can only be excused by saying that driving is a privilege.

However, insuring for a privilege can in no way be compared to forcing some one to pay for the right to live and breathe.

in reference to:

"This "personal responsibility" provision of the legislation, more accurately known as the "individual mandate" because it commands all individuals to enter into a contractual relationship with a private insurance company, takes congressional power and control to a striking new level. Its defenders have struggled to justify the mandate by analogizing it to existing federal laws and court decisions, but their efforts do not withstand serious scrutiny. An individual mandate to enter into a contract with or buy a particular product from a private party, with tax penalties to enforce it, is unprecedented-- not just in scope but in kind--and unconstitutional as a matter of first principles and under any reasonable reading of judicial precedents."
- The True Intent of Health ‘Reform’ | FedUpUSA (view on Google Sidewiki)

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