Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My people

Yah, the APA has always been on uneasy ground with the gay folk. Back in the 50s psychiatrists used to treat the mental illness of homosexuality with electroshock, insulin shock and lobotomies. When they changed their tune in 1973, there was absolutely no attempt at making reparations. We were all supposed to forget about such things.

From my experience with mental health professionals in the 80s and 90s, their attitude towards gay people really hasn't changed. They may say it's not a problem, but they still get testy when they discover that you take no interest in identifying with the institutions of the heterosexual monoculture. And then they find fault with things that are cultural norms for some groups in our subculture.

They just seem to want to talk out of both sides of their mouths, the way they do with most everything else.

in reference to:

"The APA has a legacy of uneasy relations with the lesbian, gay and transgender community, having included homosexuality in the DSM's list of psychiatric disorders until 1973."
- Is Something Not Quite Right With Stan - A Mental Health Blog: The DSM-V - Psychiatry at War with Psychiatry (view on Google Sidewiki)

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